A Time For Everything…

There is a time for everything… Work, Play, Laugh, Dream, Scream, Cry and Sigh!
Sometimes we take this for granted and we waste the precious time that we have. We find ways to do things that we know have no value and then we regret it later. We get mad at others for taking up our time and all we had to do was politely excuse ourselves and move on!

The processes that we choose to endure take up time in our schedules and processing power in our brain (yes I am an engineer!). We want things to take up only a small percentage of our valued time but we are often not honest with ourselves. We must remember to think about what counts. Above is a picture I took years ago when I made more time for my photography and I enjoyed the time I put into it. I became better, I enjoyed life more. So what happened? The “Busy” bug attacked! I got busy! We all get busy, but busy is just an excuse to NOT make time management our priority. We can choose to do anything we want when we put our minds and efforts to it.

So, I know you want to know. What does this have to do with the wedding process? Well, my lovely wife to be made the effort to invite me on a date the other night. It was of course special and it was cute because she made it that way. 

We spent time together alone. Away from the wedding planning process and just enjoyed each other on our own time. Sometimes we must do this and we must plan it. I know it can be difficult sometimes but the rewards definitely out weigh the effort. So take some time right now and invite your special someone out for date night and be sincere. And if youhave to put it on the schedule because it is a priority. It is important, and it is LOVE!

Be in love, be happy, be alive!

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One Response to A Time For Everything…

  1. Nizzy says:

    Weekly date nights are a must! And I don’t mean a weekly “I-have-to-take-you-somewhere-fancy-and-spend-a-whole-bunch-of-money” kind of date. I mean a date as in taking a few hours out of the 168 hours in a week to spend time focusing on each other, doing something or doing nothing. We have to make time for the children, we must make time for work, and it’s so easy to make time for all of the other little responsibilities (that sometimes don’t matter much in the short term), but we forget to make time for our partners. Married or single, if you want to deepen your connection with your partner, you must make time to cultivate it, by spending time alone. But more importantly, make time for photography! 😉

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